District Cub Camp 2024

District Cub Camp 2024


27 September 2024 - 29 September 2024    
18:00 - 13:30


Bookings closed

Event Type

Please note Booking Close 24th July


District Cub Camp 2024

Friday 27th- Sunday 29th September

Friday 27th – normal staggered arrivals followed by a wide game.

Saturday 28th – Planed activates activities include: Final list not confirmed

Orienteering using the full course going around full site, Pond dipping, Tree insect and plant identification, Tree rubbings, Scavenger hunt, Mini rafting Tye dye cloth bandana, Plaster a paris castings, Bird feeder, Knot board, Backwoods cooking, Fire lighting, Fire safety, Branding, Build a bug hotel Country Code activity, Water safety, Build a den, Pioneering project with staff, broom handles, Duck races, Writing wall. Burns & scolds, Science

Picnic lunch – the idea is for all Packs to make their own lunches on their own sites and then bring them together to enjoy some relaxation time.


Saturday evening:

Table top Games Popcorn and drink Camp Fire


Sunday 29th – morning:

Flag break will include a short Cub Scouts Own.

The Athletics / Athletics Plus badge items plus the annual Tug of War competition.


Please note that majority of Leaders / YLs onsite will need to help run the activities bases.




Bookings are closed for this event.

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